3 years ago a young Canadian sister’s sacrifice enabled us to purchase a small, Chinese motorcycle for brother Goodson. It was “cheap and cheerful”, but has proved to be an amazing blessing to the work.

Not surprisingly, frequent use on poor dirt roads had begun to take its toll, and despite Goodson’s best efforts to maintain it, the bike has been giving real problems lately, and maintaining it seems like throwing good money after bad.

We were recently contacted by a young brother who expressed his burden to help Goodson with a bigger, stronger and more reliable motorbike, better suited to the conditions on which it’s normally used. His very generous gift has come at a crucial time as we begin our 2020 Gospel calendar distribution, and the newly purchased Honda bike will enable him to reach many areas which would have otherwise been inaccessible to him, and to keep visiting the little assembly in Zomba to which he is so committed.

We praise the Lord for this and pray that the work it has facilitated will be a great blessing to many.