This trip to Malawi has been very precious in so many ways. It was a real joy to serve the Lord in a small way with this MGO team in Malawi. What a wonderful opportunity to tell precious souls of the love of our Heavenly Father. We have so much to praise the Lord for.
After reflecting about this trip on our return home, I think the bible verse that seems so fitting is, ‘But, as for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord’ (Joshua 24 v 15). A call, followed by that choice to serve the Lord has been made by individuals who are serving the Lord in various places. Hearing their experiences of how the Lord has provided for every need first hand, has really been so encouraging and the faith they have shown in our Lord has been refreshing. How often do we get dismayed by the day to day activities and forget why we are on this earth and who we are here to serve?
Some may question, why would these individuals leave their home countries to serve the Lord? What is it about the Lord that would lead some to leave all they have and follow him? But we are told ‘He is altogether lovely’ (Song of Solomon 5 v 16).
One of the influential ‘lessons’ of this trip has been from speaking to some individuals who once again reminded me of how we can trust in the providence of God. He has provided for every single need. Providing the Lord Jesus Christ as a sacrifice for our greatest need of sin, which separated us from God (John 3v16) but also providing for our smallest needs, such as food and the clothes we wear.
‘How good is the God we adore.. [so] … We’ll praise Him for all that is past, We’ll trust Him for all that’s to come.’
(Contributed by Sarah)