Pray: Gospel Calendars update
Pray for the progress and arrival of the shipment of Gospel Calendars sent recently
Pray for the progress and arrival of the shipment of Gospel Calendars sent recently
Anna requests: Please continue to pray for salvation, specifically for people’s eyes to be opened to the truth of...
Anna asks that we give thanks for the arrival of the annual rains. Note: Over 85% of Malawians are...
We are delighted to update you on progress with our plans to ship Prison & Pupil packs from N...
We want to say Thank You to Naomi Steele who recently took the initiative and arranged a coffee morning...
We are really encouraged to see the increasing interest at the children’s work at Saidi.
Give thanks that Goodson and Harold’s health are both improving after their recent illnesses, but please keep praying for...
Anna says, “Give thanks that the last document for the A-Series was sent to the designer this week!” She...
As the Christmas holiday approaches, please pray for the team as they make preparation for the various outreach activities....
Brother Harold recently mentioned several contacts who are interested in Baptism: “I talked to two sisters whose testimonies are...