Pray: Health of those injured in the lightning strike
Brother Goodson requests prayers for his son who was in the Msasa at the time of the lightning strike....
Your prayer support is vital to the work of the Trust. Our prayer points are updated regularly, so please check this page often.
Brother Goodson requests prayers for his son who was in the Msasa at the time of the lightning strike....
Brother Goodson requests: “Please keep praying for the work at Saidi”. You can view the gallery of the project at...
Please pray for a large consignment of calendars and Gospel Tracts which is due to arrive and be discharged...
Brother Harold advises that school visits will be restarting next week and ask the Lord’s people to pray for...
We are thankful for a good audience for the online broadcast on 3 Jan. Pray that the hearts of...
Please pray following the lightning strike and destruction of the Msasa on 3 Jan. This has the potential to...
Rains usually expected mid-November have only just arrived in Malawi in the past few days, meaning that a significant...
Clear direction with the many opportunities as we move into the new year. There are many open doors and...
Covid case numbers are riding in Malawi, as elsewhere. Healthcare facilities are poor and vaccination rates alarmingly low. Some...
Anna is still waiting for approval of her Work Permit. The delay is having a knock-on affect to other...