At this time of year we would usually be making final preparations for Malawi Gospel Outreach (MGO). Although Coronavirus has brought many frustrating limitations, we want to share with you a recent major encouragement in the work in Malawi.

In our January newsletter we mentioned that we were in negotiations to purchase a plot of land for future development. The Lord overruled and, although competitively priced, the seller was only willing to offer a portion which would have been well beyond our means, and the purchase fell through. However, within just a few days we were offered an alternative, 1.3-acre site which, although a lot smaller (and proportionately more expensive), is much more strategically located to satisfy the needs of the work, and we have been able to conclude the purchase within the past few weeks.  

The site at Saidi is less than 2Km from the main highway, and much nearer the place where we rent a small building for brother Goodson’s Children’s Ministry and Bible studies. It is also only about 4Km from our former home, which was the heart of the work until we were forced to quit by our landlord.

This development comes at an exciting time for the work, and gives us confidence to move forward on a variety of fronts. In the short term we hope to erect a perimeter wall to secure the site and build a hall and accommodation for:

Young People’s work, Gospel Preaching and Bible Studies

  • Watchman / Caretaker’s (Bro. Goodson) home
  • Secure parking for SALT vehicles

Importantly, we will also be able to move a few Shipping Containers there to meet urgent short-term storage needs, but our next priority will then be to add facilities for:

  • Admin office & stores for
    • New “Postal Bible School” children’s ministry
    • Translation Team
  • Storage and Distribution of
    • Gospel Literature for the rapidly expanding literature ministry
    • Hygiene Packs and other
    • Relief Materials

If we are able to acquire additional adjacent land, we would also like to build much-needed accommodation for:

  • Bible Teaching Conferences &
  • Visiting Outreach Teams

The site at Saidi is well placed for access to Blantyre Container Port and SALT’s Southern Region Depots

Our ex-landlord has been increasing pressure on us to remove a 40ft Shipping Container in which we have stored essential equipment for the work, and has imposed a 31 August deadline for its removal. We see the purchase of the land as the Lord’s providing to meet that immediate need, as well as these other long-term objectives.

Thank you for your continued prayers concerning this and the various other aspects of the work in Malawi. There have been a number of real encouragements in recent weeks, of which we hope to write more later.

You can keep up to date with developments at or contact us for further details (see below).

As ever, we value your prayerful interest in the work.