Give Thanks

Stephen & Harold have been on the road for several days last week, supplying Gospel literature and visiting the projects SALT has an interest in at Lilongwe and Dzaleka.

At Mchesi, Lilongwe, around 300 street kids and vulnerable adults receive a simple but nutritious meal daily. Without it, most would have to scavenge or starve. It was a joy to be able to share the Gospel with them as they waited for their food on Thursday afternoon.

At Dzaleka, we have reinforcing the daily orphan feeding program by providing skills training for some of the orphans’ foster mothers. It was thrilling to see the beautiful products they have been making, and the enthusiasm with which so many are employing their new-found skills.

As you give thanks for these positive interventions in the lives of some of the most needy people on the planet, PRAY that the Word of God which is regularly shared with them will result in many souls being truly saved.