We are now halfway through MGO 2022. After a 2-year break due to Covid, it has not disappointed us. To God be the glory!
Please specifically give thanks for:
- A great spirit of harmony among the team of 26 overseas volunteers and local workers. After some initial sickness, the whole team is functioning well.
- Access to 3 schools in the past week, over 2000 learners heard a clear presentation of the Gospel from Luke 15 and received a gift of a John 3:16 Seed Sower text and an exercise book / jotter with a message from Acts 16:31
- Thousands of texts distributed at the busy street markets at Thondwe & Mbulumbuzi. Hundreds stood to listen to the open-air preaching, when the Gospel was clearly and faithfully presented.
- Increasing numbers attending the Gospel meetings each evening at the Saidi site – this has far exceeded our expectation, and has encouraged us to continue
- An estimated 600 children attended the whole-day of activities at Saidi on Saturday. Although we were almost overwhelmed by the numbers, each child received a meal and left with a piece of craft with a Bible verse, after hearing a Gospel message based on the life of Joseph.
- Give thanks for the tireless efforts of our local brothers and sisters, who work so hard with the translation work.
It has been a wonderful week. It’s difficult to keep on top of all the activities, but you can keep up to date by clicking here.