“I keep moving forward”. So says Bro Harrison Saidi (coincidentally, the name of our village) who called by today. He came to collect Gospel Literature for meetings taking place at Mayaka, some 2-3 hours away by bicycle.
I first met Bro Harrison in February 2016, and was moved by his dedication to the spread of the Gospel. He had cycled many hours to collect the literature, taking it to share in markets, schools and at football grounds in area surrounding his village.
If it was a person who gave me this job, I could have stopped long ago, but it is God who gave me this work to do, so I keep moving forward
Harrison Saidi
Brother Harrison says he started giving out Gospel Literature in June 2015. I was thrilled to learn today that he’s still active in evangelism, almost 7 years later. Like so many of his peers he regularly faces hunger and the frame of his old bicycle was recently broken. (3 boxes of tracts is approximately 60Kg!)
“I do this work, though people may mock me,” he said. “If it was a person who gave me this job, I could have stopped long ago, but it is God who gave me this work to do, so I keep moving forward… I feel happy when I do this work”.
What an honour and privilege to be able to support faithful volunteers like Brother Harrison in the work they do for the Lord.
Let’s pray too that the Lord will bless the tracts when they are distributed.