
Over the past two weeks we’ve been wonderfully reminded why MGO is such an important part of our annual calendar. Please join with us in thanking the Lord for His help and blessing, and continue to pray for blessing upon the word, specifically:

  • Give thanks for
    • A spirit of cooperation and harmony
    • Preservation from injury and serious illness for the whole team
    • The opportunity to access 6 schools and present the Gospel to thousands of students
    • Freedom to preach and distribute Seed Sower texts to thousands of adults
    • Liberty to present the Gospel to the entire population of inmates at Mikuyu 1 Prison
    • Encouraging attendance at the daily Gospel meetings, and evidence that God is working in the lives of people in the locality
    • Daily encouragement from God’s word and a challenge to live godly lives for His glory
  • Pray for
    • Safe return of the team who will be travelling over the next few days (Sat-Tues)
    • Conviction and salvation among the multitudes who were reached with the Gospel
    • Encouragement of the local believers – they are so blessed by the fellowship and example of brothers and sisters from overseas
    • Wisdom regarding the timing of starting to break bread at Saidi, Thondwe

Further information about MGO 2022 can be found here.