10 days that could change your life!

MGO 2019 will take place from 8-18 August, Lord willing.

This year we plan to do a 10-day road trip taking in many of the main centres of population in the Central and Northern Regions of Malawi.

Not only will you have an opportunity to see some of the most stunning African scenery imaginable, more importantly, you will have an opportunity to make an impact upon the lives and eternal destinies of some of the most under-privileged people on the planet.

Visiting busy bus depots and major market places we aim to distribute tens of thousands of Seed Sower Texts. No special skills are necessary, apart from a love for lost souls and a desire to make your life count for the Lord. If you’re a brother and can preach a little, we’ll give you opportunity to put that to good use.

The nature of this MGO means that we will have to stay in B&B lodges and/or hotels, so regrettably we can’t host you for free as we have done so often in the past. We will however cap the cost so that hopefully you won’t be prevented from attending for financial reasons.

Apply to take part in MGO 2019: Click here

(please ensure you download & read the brochure before appkying)