Young People at Machinga

We love when our literature distributors tell us how they appreciate the materials we supply to them.

Anna just shared this letter of thanks which she received from a volunteer in Machinga. He who works to bring the Gospel to Muslim youth. We have edited it very slightly to make it a little more readable.


Operation Mobilization (OM) is working among the Yao Moslem communities in Machinga. Its vision is to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached Yao Moslem people groups. To make an impact among them, OM has Discovery Bible Study Clubs where members discuss the Bible. One such club is Chiyembekezo (Hope) Discovery Bible Study at Chiyembekezo School which was established by OM. It is in Kamala Village, GVH Kamala, Senior Group Village headman Chikaonda, Traditional Authority Kawinga in Machinga District. Most of the Youth in this Discovery Bible Study Club are from the Yao Moslem background.

One afternoon after the Discovery Bible Study session had ended, there was jubilation among the youth when they received tracts which we were given by our partners from Thondwe (Southern Africa Literature Trust) They gave us three boxes of Gospel Literature. The first box contained calendars with verses, the second one had the Gospel of John while the third consisted of an assortment of different tracts. All contents in the boxes were of Chichewa version to help the readers to grasp the message with ease.

We give thanks to our partners in Thondwe, Zomba, Anna and Harold for this wonderful gift. It has made our dissemination of the word of salvation among the Yao Moslem community simpler. We ask from the Lord to bless their ministry and allow our relation to grow to greater heights for the glorification of the name of God.

Note: SALT does not have any affiliation with OM or other missions or organisations. However we are delighted to provide free Gospel literature to any Christians who we believe have a genuine desire to spread the Gospel. So, we appreciate your support which helps us keep on providing free literature.

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