Stephen & Gail have been involved in missionary work in Central Africa for over 15 years.

In recent years Stephen has developed a growing Christian literature ministry in Malawi and beyond, and has led a number of teams of volunteer distributors to Malawi.

Stephen is also involved with the work of Seed Sowers UK, and in Gospel Outreach and Bible teaching in the UK and elsewhere.

Gail has a background in banking and looks after many of the day to day operations of our work.

Apart from reasonable expenses directly associated with performing the work of SALT, the directors receive no remuneration whatsoever from SALT funds and are wholly supported by faith.

One Comment, RSS

  • Terry Wilson

    Dear brother,

    I had recently sent you an email but I am not sure if I have your most current email. Mark Beach retired last year and I am trying to fill his shoes. We have had requests for free literature for Portuguese-speaking refugees in Malawi and we would happily send them free of charge including shipping. But I wanted to check if the request was a legitimate one. If you are able to drop me a note at the email address above, I would be grateful.

    Yours in Christ,
    Terry Wilson

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