
Tropical Storm Ana passed through the region from 22-25 January.  Ana caused numerous fatalities (especially in Madagascar) and left tens of thousands displaced. (Source Reliefweb)

The Government of Malawi estimates that almost 220,000 (48,000 households) are affected in Malawi. The worst affected areas are in the Mulanje and Nsanje districts. These are both areas where we have active literature distribution volunteers.

The Government has declared a State of Disaster in the affected areas.

Please pray:

  1. Concerning the needs of those affected. Anna specifically asks that many will be spoken to by the flooding situation.
  2. That SALT personnel will have the necessary wisdom and guidance to formulate an appropriate response.

Some of our neighbours in the area immediately around Saidi have been affected by the heavy rains. We are considering how best to help them. Many people will have been affected by loss of crops and livestock.