The work in Malawi has grown exponentially over the past few years and appears set to continue to do so in the future.
It has become increasingly apparent that we need a more permanent base for many of the developing ministries and those for which we have future aspirations, including:
- Children’s / Youth work
- Gospel Literature Distribution
- Distance Learning
- Prison & other relief
- Christian Conferences
- Short-term mission teams
So far we have constructed / installed:
- Water supply
- Drilling a bore-hole
- Installation of pumping equipment and storage tanks
- Construction of site foreman / watchman’s dwelling
- Partial construction of perimeter wall
- Containerised literature storage, loading bay & offices
- Thatched multi-purpose hall, mainly be used for the existing Children’s/Youth work carried on at Thondwe and for Gospel Outreach (and Bible Conferences at a later stage).
- Solar PV Storage & Inverter systems to Container Bay & Office / Print Room
Subsequent phases will involve construction of storage and administration facilities and accommodation for conferences and/or visiting outreach teams.
Please contact us if you would like more information about this project, or of if you have relevant skills you would be willing to make available.
Recent Updates
Latest progress at Saidi
With each visit, I am amazed at the on-site progress at Saidi. The Lord has been so good! Recently, we have been working on a new office and printing room, as well as a maintenance workshop and store. Although it wasn’t possible to get these completed in the run-up to MGO 2022, we were thankful…
Saidi Latest (In Pictures)
As you can see from the pictures, Goodson and his crew have been working apace at Saidi, with the imminence of MGO adding a little urgency. Now that the Msasa has been re-roofed, the focus of the past few weeks has been on getting the Print Room/Office nearer to completion. Goodson & the team have…
Progress of Maintenance Workshop & Print Room
Work continues apace on various aspects of the project at Saidi. The Office (temporary apartment) & Print room has been roofed and first fix electrical and plumbing work done. The “scratch coat” will be plastered next week and should be ready for installation of windows and doors at the start of the following week (DV),…