Anna & Harold continue their regular, weekly school visits.

Each student hears a short Gospel presentation and receives a gift of a an Exercise Book. These are highly prized as schools are generally very poorly resourced. Many students sit on the bare floor as there are insufficient desks and chairs.

The exercise books have a simple Gospel Message based on Acts 16v31 printed on the cover, and over the past couple of months almost 10,000 students have received a copy, meaning almost 10,000 children have received a clear and simple presentation of the Gospel.

We are just about to re-stock with 20,000 Exercise Books, which we expect to be sufficient for the next 3 or 4 months of this ministry. We really appreciate the kindness and generosity of the Lord’s people which enables us to provide these invaluable materials.

If you would like to help support this ministry you can learn more here.