This morning (11 August) we went to a small church about 1/2 hr away. Stephen was asked to give ministry to the believers, and a local elder was responsible to preach the Gospel. It was very disappointing to hear him preach that salvation is by continuing to do good works – going against everything our faith is founded on – that salvation is not by works but by grace alone. Although they call themselves a Gospel Hall, they are clearly missing first base. Apparently this is a very common error throughout Malawi.
It was great that some of the young ladies in our group were able to give a short message to the children in the street outside.
- Street Sunday School
- Speaking to the kids outside the hall
We headed for lunch and afterwards stopped at side of the road in a nearby village for some open air gospel messages, a children’s message and Seed Sower distribution. About 3000 gospel texts were handed out in less than an hour. It was encouraging again to have people asking for the literature and some wanting conversations. It was also encouraging to see the children happy to listen to a story from the Bible, learn some Bible verses and sing some songs.
After returning to the lodge we enjoyed some relaxation and some of the guys went for a swim. In the evening we enjoyed some delicious food followed by a good time of fellowship.
(Contributed by Sheryl Payne)