Perhaps you’ve been wondering, as you read about our work in schools, what, precisely, a visit entails.We start by contacting the head of the school to ask if we can come to speak with the students. Without exception we have been welcomed into every school that we have approached. The door is wide open!On the day of the visit, we (try to) show up a bit early, so we can introduce ourselves and explain what we hope to accomplish during our time there. This generally entails a good deal of the formalities that I suspect were learned from our dear British friends. Usually, they are expecting us. Almost always, they aren’t quite yet ready.
We then meet with the students. Harold usually explains who we are and what our goal is in visiting them before we both spend five to ten minutes sharing the gospel with them. The students are typically very attentive – especially when the mzungu (white person) gets up to speak. After sharing the gospel, we distribute the exercise books that SALT publishes. Each book contains a clear gospel message on the back cover, along with some verses pertaining to salvation inside.
Students are always eager to receive the books, as they have to provide for all their school materials themselves.What we are doing is sowing seed. We don’t have much time with the students. Because there are hundreds of schools and not nearly enough workers, we can’t visit frequently enough to establish relationships and go deep. But God’s word is powerful. And God is interested in the salvation of each child. And so, with that in mind we continue sowing the seed and praying for the Lord to use it to save souls and transform lives. And we continue praying for wisdom to know how to best reach these boys and girls.
Please pray with us. We are currently taking a break, due to schools being closed for the holidays, but much seed has already been sown. Pray that the thousands of students who have already heard and received the gospel will respond in repentance and faith.
Pray that the teachers will also be impacted by the message. Pray for more laborers for this work. Pray that we will be given clear direction concerning the way forward. And, above all, pray that Christ Jesus might be honored and glorified.
Keep going Anna. After s lifetime of working in schools my late wife and I can assure you that the days of reaping always follow the faithful sowing of the Word – sometimes many years later.
I Corinthians 15:58 Therefore my beloved brethren be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.
“A sower went forth to sow…”. Praying that the Lord will watch over the precious seed and greatly bless!
“Sufffer the little children to come unto me”. The value of your work can’t be exaggerated.❤️🙏