Brother Harold and sister Anna caught up with brother Yamikani Issa from Liwonde, who has been distributing literature since 2015. Below is what he had to say about what motivates him to distribute gospel literature. (Note: the answers have been lightly edited to improve clarity.)
Q. What motivates you to be involved in this ministry and how long have you been involved?
One day, as I was at my workplace, I found one of the tracts in the office. I read the whole of it. And when I read the message, I was very convinced, and I was so touched because the message was centred on Christ. It motivated me to know more about the one who wrote about the messages. That’s why when I found the contact number at the end of the literature, I called, and we started conversing.
Q. What motivates you to continue receiving literature?
What really motivates me is the feedback that I receive from the people who receive this literature. When I distribute them, they call me back saying, “We are very blessed with the literature.” Some of them ask for prayers, some of them want to know God more than before. So, I see a great impact. That’s the reason why after distributing them, they always ask me, “When are others coming again?” So that we can read, we can be inspired, we can be encouraged, and we can be saved, because it’s the same message of salvation, so people are being saved through this literature – a lot of them.
Q. What things should people pray for?
There are several things. As I’ve already said, when people read these messages, people are being saved. So, we should continue praying for them that, after reading these messages, the Spirit of the Lord should continue speaking to their lives. I think that’s one of the most important things.
Secondly, Malawi is a small country, but people love God here. So, we distribute these calendars and this literature, but we fail to supply to everybody. Because, as I told you, people are requesting this literature for so long, they have been asking me when more are coming. So even if I distribute these, then still people will need more to be distributed. So, I think the prayer should be God should continue speaking to others, involving others that they should support the work so that the literature should be distributed more.
We thank the Lord for the dedication of people like brother Issa.
Learn more about the literature work here.